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Stories from Around the World
I think she's cheating so that lady is laughing at her. She's laughing because her face is so serious. I like playing cards, can we play later? I think she's going to win, must be poker, she's got a poker face...hhahahaha, (everyone laughs)
Bernice and Lilly, or Mildred and Ethel, I don't know what their names are, maybe Sally or Hazel.
The younger one works there, or is her daughter. It's a party and they are having fun. I see money, maybe poker. The chairs are matching in the back so I think it's a place like this, the older lady lives there and the other one is laughing at her so she's mad.
the older lady is mad, doesn't like the other one because she is laughing, why is she making fun of her, that's not very nice, I think she's going to cry. I don't think she can hear very well. It's her daughter and she told a joke but the other one doesn't want to be bothered, she's trying to play cards.
Mason City, Chicago, Alaska, I use to climb poles in Alaska. I don't like playing cards. It's in a facility like this is, I don't know where they are. maybe in their own home.
When? I don't know, at night, yes, at night. A holiday, family time, right before they go to bed.
that lady is laughing, maybe music is playing or the radio. it's quiet, they are trying to concentrate on the cards, I bet they are playing 500 or canasta. I like canasta. Are we going to play later?
There are 4 people playing cards, two girls and two boys, they are married and that lady is bothering them. it's night, nobody else is there, they are alone.
playing cards, or 500, winning money, I know, they are in Vegas, we should take a road trip to Vegas, can we take the bus, when are we going to the casino again? I want to go to the casino, do you have my money? Playing poker - that's her poker face.
yeah, there is food, like chips and popcorn. they are going to have steak, or pizza. Martini's...(laughter) Pizza party, like we had. Candy and popcorn. Chips, yeah, chips.
The mad lady yelled at the laughing lady, told her to stop bothering her while she was playing poker, she was winning. She doesn't want to go to bed. I bet they keep playing late, or again tomorrow.
yeah - I think they play every hour - or minute. No they don't - maybe one time a week or year. I don't know. It's probably a card club and they play every day. I like pizza. Why is she laughing at her? That makes me sad.
The End....
Story told by: Pat, Bea, John, Lavonna, George, Lila a
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