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A Boy and His Dog (In Trouble)
December 11, 2020
That dog looks hungry and trying to get away
The boys eating more than the dog!
The little boy is named Harry and the dog is named Doodles.
He may have killed his family or maybe they took the day off and he's hiding.
Its Christmas time, and he's having a coke.
He's trouble, double trouble.
He opened the jelly jar.
He's eating all the jelly, and eating all the cookies from the Christmas tree.
The dog wants the cookies too, but Harry isn't sharing
Harry has no siblings, and won't get in trouble, because he's going to blame Doodles.
Mom is gonna be mad!
He's gonna be hurtin' from a spankin', and get sick from all the cookies. He's not a baker, he's a chef.
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