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Stories from Around the World
A Day in the Life of an Alien
May 3, 2019
There's a snake under the rock! Looks like the desert. And it looks like he's going to kiss the ground.
His name is Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve. We're not sure of his ethnicity. He's a big guy, probably in his 30s or 40s. He has the wing of an eagle sticking out of his pocket.
There are probably animals behind the fence. It's probably in New Mexico. That could be a border fence.
He might be investigating a meteor that came down. He might shrink and crawl under the rock. He's looking for something unusual. Maybe oil. Or he's thirsty and he's looking for water.
He's desparate and wants to die. His yellow bracelet says "I love mom." Or it's a band for a water park and he's lost. The other band on his wrist could be a watch.
He might live around there. He probably didn't walk very far. Or he's an alien from the moon. His head is close to the clouds. And his hand is funny looking.
Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve is thinking, "what's under that rock?" Maybe a secret tunnel, a scorpion, or a snake to eat!
He carried anti venom in his fanny pack.
He leaves and then a snake jumps out and bites his nose off, bites his finger and bites him in the butt! Then he trips and the scorpion kills him!
But Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve is an alien so he duplicates himself. He makes himself indestructible with iron hide. And now he has a really deep voice, (We say "Hi, I'm Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve with a really low voice.)
But the duplicate brings the original guy back to life and now he has a really squeaky voice. (Halina says "Hi, I'm Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve in a really squeaky voice.)
Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve's mom lives in a comfy house. She was sleeping but she woke up and saw him normal. She says "Where were you all day? You're grounded!"
Then Bruce/Fred/Bob/Marco/Steve turns into the Hulk. He brought his lumpy rug to kneel on. He looks at the lumpy rug for anything to investigate. He could find another snake that would bite him. The snake bites him but it doesn't phase him.
The duplicate guy comes back. He turns into a caveman and goes into the mountains with a spear. And he has a party with his alien friends. They have ice cream cake, a cake with green slime in the center but you can't tell because it's covered with cake, pound cake, chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream, more ice cream, pistachio ice cream, lots of whipped cream and potato chips. There is also a big green jello in the shape of an alien head.
There's dancing and singing at the party too. They do the moon walk to Michael Jackson's song "Beat It", they square dance, they do the polka, "Roll out the barrel..." They do Irish dancing too.
They close the night with candy, popcorn and movies: Ghost Busters and Despicable Me 3.
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