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Stories from Around the World
A Day in the Life of Patches
Someone got a new wire hair fox terrier, and she is getting into trouble!
Her name is Patches. She’s at the shoe store in Imelda Marcos’s closet.
It’s the 40’s or 50’s. Looking at the type of shoes, it’s probably the 50’s.
The look on her face is like she’s just been caught.
Someone told her to get away.
The owner of the shoe store.
But Patches doesn’t want to leave.
She doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong.
What kind of style shoe does she want?
A slip on?
Don’t you have any Hush Puppies?
She is curious. She heard another Dog bark.
The Dogcatcher comes.
She thinks all the shoes are hers.
The Dog is suspicious.
She’s going to get them to a store so kids can use them.
If she can’t have them, someone else should.
We don’t want the Dogcatcher getting her!
If the worse comes to it, Patches will bite the Dogcatcher.
It’s okay, she’s had all her shots.
What am I going to do with all these shoes?
Am I going to wear them all?
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