A good meal/ A Variety/ Nothing like home.
Facilitated By Emma Smith
May 2, 2015
Earl: I like what we see.
James: Looks like they are making cakes.
Agripina: They are having breakfast.
Abner: It seems like a picnic for a school graduation. It’s 8th grade.
Alan: I think these people are older than 8th grade.
Abner: Maybe they are the parents.
Agripina: It’s a picnic. They are serving the food. Different kind of food-chicken.
Harold: It’s mother & grandmother preparing the best dish for a contest. There are 4-5 contestants; we will see who will win. They are competing with each other. They say, “I bake better than you”. The bystanders will try to see the results of it and waiting for the leftover.
Abner: If you take a meticulous look, I see 8 candles in the middle of the cake denoting a 8th grade grad.
Agripina: they are serving nice, oatmeal, butter, muffin.
Alvin: Someone out there they are having a nice time with their friends.
Agripina: They have a dinner with water, muffin and a nice toast.
Ines: Everyone is trying to eat. And everything is so good.
Harold: They are at a park. Whoever can perform the best will win a balloon or hula hoop.
Ines: They are at a school.
Abner: This is a party table with a item listed. So it must be a graduation of the 8th grade. Takes place in the afternoon.
Harold: It takes places in Louisiana or Texas. In the 40’s. It looks like the wearing clothes from the late 30’s. 2 kids in the background are the grand kids. There is a line they can’t cross so they are sitting on the table.
Abner: I think this a graduation of the 8th grade. For the girls only. The boys will have one later. The kids in the background are both girls. In this scenario I don’t see any boys.
James: I can’t think of the kids names.
Earl: I like the name Ray & Charles. The 2 kids are 53 or 54.
Alan: I think the kids are pretty young … 6 or 7 years old.
Abner: if the kids have 8 years of training. They must be 14 years old. For the kids to be 6 or 7 they might be in kindergarten. The kids names are sally Mae & Gloria.
Harold: The kid on the night is 10 years old. Gloria is the one on the left & the grandmother is Ernastein. The mother & grandmother get long and live together. I think June or July.
Ines: It’s warm.
Harold: It’s warm and sunny.
Earl: No clouds in the sky.
Harold: The mother and grandmother take care of the house. The grandfather supervises. He is the governor and tells them what and how. They learn from them.
Ines: Yes they work at home.
Harold: Girls don’t sit on the table, it must be boys. If I was there I would tell them if they need salt. If the women are imitated they would push the boy back. They don’t want them near the table if it is hot.
Abner: I have on granddaughter about 23 years old. My granddaughter would be assisting the mother and grandmother. The granddaughter supervises and the stay away.
Catherine: What I see they are teachers and cooking. You can tell that they once taught school. They are kind of like a bakery. The smell come from the pies and cakes. They don’t make anything that has bad smells. The men are working at a hospital or police department. They couldn’t afford to put this food on the table without it. The tables they are serving on may need to be paid for. The thing we must realizes are not free like back in the day.
James: Maybe the men are out hustling for a job if they don’t have one.
Abner: they might be retired.
Catherine: They could have been a builder or a police man.
Ines: May a fireman.
Catherine: Nowadays people have more opportunities. They could be a tutor. We need more people to prepare themselves for school!
Harold: After this they will relax. The men will clean up after. The mother might have a husband. The grandmother might have a husband if he isn’t dead.
James: What kind of food they care?
Harolds: Girls, rice, pancakes, eggs, and sausage. They drinking milk. The kids are watching and learning.
Catherine: The young adults are in college.
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