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Stories from Around the World
A Happy Meeting/There is Something Funny Downstairs
The girls are laughing because they saw something downstairs. Something funny.
They are laughing at the number four.
"It looks as though there's a game to play, let's go down". It's a good time.
The one on the left is called violet. The one on the right is called Sarah. They are friends. Close friends.
This is taking place near Vancouver, at a club of some kind. Violet and Sarah are always in for something interesting. They like to explore different places. They are in a different age-time. Ages and stages. It's important to have time together.
When they get to the club, they start in playing the game. Dogs can play too!
Personally, I was there. I saw Violet and Sarah, but I didn't talk to them because I didn't know them we'll and it's none of my business. I saw a flash of the two of them getting together and I was sad, because I was ruining something for them.
They said "there is a good game we can play now. When we win we are happy, laughing and singing!"
Violet and Sarah were enjoying it "ahhhh!"
They are looking smart. They are dressed up because they are going dancing after they play the game. They found the drivers of the two little dogs and they all laughed and danced.
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