Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
A Sentimental Journey (Vincentian Home Storytellers)
This is Charlie Butch.
He is a cocker spaniel, and he is going on a sentimental journey on a Monday.
He is so cute and sweet.
He sees the hills of Cincinnati.
He smells something good to him. He smells another dog!
The other dog is named Little Brown Doggy.
The dogs decide to get together to play and chase each other.
It is the season of fall.
The dogs smell the falling leaves.
They hear the leaves falling.
The sunshine is slower than it is in the summertime.
The dogs want to go home to their families.
Their families love people.
When the dogs get home, they get ready for a picnic.
They will taste all that good food, like sandwiches of all kinds.
At this picnic, they are celebrating a birthday!
It is ALL of their birthdays, together!
They invite their friends that they have had since school time.
They sing Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...
They enjoy their ice cream and open up their gifts.
The dogs will be glad to go home and eat their own food!
It is good food - the top on the dog’s list.
It is time to go home, and play in the woods.
Maybe, they will find a new friend, or maybe even a girlfriend!
On the way home, they get spooked by a big animal.
It’s not an elephant, it’s not a snake, it’s not even another dog, it is a BEAR!
The bear chases them all the way home.
They are safe for a time, as long as they make sure the door is shut!
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