Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Boy & Girl / Mara u tifel
August 18, 2019
By the storytellers of Dar Padova - Making Memories Project
It happens where there are women - its women I saw in front of me me.
It happens where there are kids - where there are plenty.
They're called Johnny and Giovanna - they're one and half and 10 year's old.
I'm sick today.
I'm only half a year old - as I feel like a fool !
You won't find anything more beautiful that this picture, because they are both sweet, both beautiful, because they're my relatives ..
It-tifel ħanin (nursery rhyme)The boy is sweet - let's live together, content and happy
Ejja nghixu ma xulxin
Kuntenti u ferħanin.
The girl has got a knife
or she's got a thought on her mind
to eat a piece of bread.
She's got a secret - more than one
a secret one should not divulge.
She's holding that kid - her kid
We'll meet and make a Party - not anywhere - but here
With an organiser.
She became a mother - she's holding the baby in her arms
She would like to get married - find a man - and become a woman
Maybe she will have a kid - or three
when she grows up she will become a Teacher - all girls - (She has to be careful of all those wicked ones)
I encouraged her to keep her decorum.
In my opinion, a true opinion, she should keep everything secret !
In Maltese :::
Tiġri fejn hemm in-nisa - għax nisa rajt quddiemi.
Tiġri fejn hemm it-tfal - fejn ikun hemm ħafna.
Jisimgħom Johnny u Giovanna - 1.5 sena u 10 snin.
I'm sick today.
Jien nofs sena għandi għax inħossni imbeċċilli !
Isbaħ minn dik l-istampa mhux ser issib, ghax ħelwin it-tnejn, ghax sbieh, ghax jiġu minni...
It-tifel ħanin
Ejja nghixu ma xulxin
Kuntenti u ferħanin.
It-tifla għandha sikkina
jew ghandha ħsieb f'moħħa -
ħa tiekol il-ħobz.
Għandha sigriet - iktar minn wieħed.
Sigiret mhux ta min jikxfu kif ġib u laħaq.
Qed iżżomm lit-tifel - it-tifel tagħha
niltaqghu u nghamlu Party - mhux x'imkien - hawnhekk
Għax qieghed fuq darha, ġejjin hawn
ghal Party.
Il-Kmand tal Party ha j'organnizah.
Saret Mummy - f'idejha qiegħed il-Baby
Tixtieq li tiżżewweg , issib raġel - la tikber u ssir Mara.
Forsi jkollha tarbija - jew tlieta.
Meta tikber issir Teacher tal girls (ma tridx tħalli f'idejn il-Ħażin)
Ħajjartha kemm flaħt biex iżomm ruħha mill-aħjar li tista
Fl'opinjoni tiegħi - opinjoni vera - ghandha żżomm kollox mistur.
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Image Credits: Credit: Pierre Stafrace