Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
“Dancing in the Street” or “What are the Big Horns?” or “Done in Britain” or “A Jolly, Jolly Good Time” or “You should try it!”
This story takes place in Washington, D.C. -- Cha Cha Cha -- in the sunshine, summertime. Her name is Starling Greta -- she’s ready to go, all spread out. Gotta get a name to go with that body. She’s about to go like this all over -- dancing. She has her feet down and she’s twisting because that is what she’s trying to do.
She’s happy doing something different. She seems to be happy about good news. She’s from some countryside; has some friends. She’s from the country and she’s strong. She does tap dancing. The musicians are there. She’s twisting.
The sound of the tuba is there and some laughing, a band and a lot of chatter. It’s warm; it might even be hot. She has a short dress on and is watching herself in a mirror, a big mirror. There is laughing and clapping. She’s working it out.
She’s possibly dreaming of something, not hoping for something. It will be a surprise.
She thinks she’ll get laughter. She has lots of friends, no family. She’s just enjoying it, laughing. She’ll be going from her hips; twisting the night away. Several people were twisting their rear ends.
She was watching at first, having happy thoughts. Maybe she was asked the question – to get married. They are having fun! Marriage is a lot of things. She’ll wiggle through it and start on something else. I thought there was giggling going on. She’s looking at the guy in front of her. Is that the surprise?
Her dancing goes on each day. She may need help. George Eastman took the photo. She doesn’t get paid for it; she’s having a good time. She just started out. It depends on how good she is. She’s not getting paid.
You wouldn’t have to ask her to dance. She would just start doing it. She has lots of courage; both guts and courage to do this. They’ll be doing it too. The guy up front is getting ready to join her.
She doesn’t get tired much. Not in the photographer’s life. I think she is in a good spot and can carry on. No singing, they are laughing. The musicians are playing.
She doesn’t get tired much. Not in the photographer’s life. I think she is in a good spot and can carry on. No singing. They are laughing. The musicians are playing. She’s standing on the ground. They don’t need an invitation – having a good time. Not teaching anyone. She’s half squatted and wiggling. She’s hilarious. The band is playing “Jail House Rock” by Elvis Presley. It’s only the beginning of the story.
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