Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Dancing Lady
She’s dancing. She’s a woman—look at her legs, look at her jumper! Definitely a woman, definitely a female.
Her name is Sally. She’s certainly not an old woman. Quite a lot of ladies don’t like to let their age be known. With us wonderful people, you don’t have to go around and express things. She’s as old as she is! She can still dance with style.
We’ve lost this one for a while, but now that we’ve had it here, it looks nice. Oh, she feels good. With dancing and rhythm you feel really good. She hasn’t lost it!
She’s not real … what’s the word? … it’s hard to say how she’s feeing. She might be tap dancing. There are people in the background and their footwear is the same as hers. And the clothes she’s wearing are to have a good time.
She’s got nice legs. She’s entertaining everyone. She’s got the works there with the instruments playing. There’s lots of “oom pah pah, oom pah pah” and “ooh la la” and “opa”! She’s tap dancing and getting lots of attention.
It could be taking place on the street in Montreal. Sally’s not married, but Roberta wouldn’t be surprised! We might need to ask her. She’s very comfortable dancing on her own. She’s enjoying it. She is making the crowd happy—they’re all enjoying themselves. There’s the tap, tap, tap of her shoes.
Some of the other ladies may think Sally is showing off. But, then again, some ladies might be inspired to join the dance. Sally has a dance teacher—Maree O’Grady. Sally was inspired by the music. She had the courage to stand up and entertain us.
There are people all around Sally. In front of her are the guests. It’s a big event in a small town. Sometimes the government or the council holds a dance to entertain the people.
It could be that Sally walked into a room and started tapping with her feet. There are instruments in the band—the trombone and the French horn. Everyone will clap as loudly as they can because Sally has style.
This story was created by Bill, Isabel, Maria B., Peggy, Tony, Roberta, George, Winn, Crissie and Joe at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 11 July 2016.
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