Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Dancing Legs
They are all girls, going by their feet! Their legs are moving—probably a lot of clunking. We can use that for a theme. Bill sings us a song:
“Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war …”
Yes, they’re ladies’ feet, but where are their other legs? It could be the same ladies wearing different shoes. Some men like looking at women’s legs. John thinks there must be ten women and we can only see one of their legs.
They’re showing off in the village called Kefalari Korinthias. The ladies have beautiful legs and lovely shoes. The boys whistle!
The ladies could be at a party and someone is taking a picture of them. The shoes are lovely colours. Are they wearing any clothes behind the big curtain? We don’t know! Let us lift the curtain and find out! “Oh dear,” says Ellen. “What might they be doing?”
They’re just standing there! When the curtain comes up they might start dancing. Yeah!
John thinks the ladies could be shopping for shoes. Crissie and George notice there is an orchestra down below. Oh, they’re going to dance! “As long as they don’t step on my feet,” says Bill!
Tony notices that there is a gentleman down in the front with a trumpet, and there are violins there too. They are going to play something.
What about the pretty little boys? Maybe they are in the audience. The shoes look a little old-fashioned. They could be from the 1920s, but that style is coming back in fashion. The boys might say “these sorts have got good legs—sexy legs”. Maria says they’re showing off their legs. They could be professional dancers. Elsie thinks they might be showing off their legs because they want to become dancers.
They could be tap-dancing or doing the Charleston at an audition. Boys used to say “They’re good sorts!”
We don’t know what happens, but when the curtain goes up, everyone will shout “Nice legs!” and they will all be happy!
This story was created by Maria B., John, Tony, George, Bill, Ellen, Gladys, Elsie, Pam, Yianni (John), Barbara, Crissie, Joe and Peggy at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 21 March 2016.
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