Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
They are a couple of women. They’re making friends with each other. The large dog and small dog are meeting up for the first time. They’re getting friendly. There might be some kind of romantic link because they’re smiling at each other. (Someone sighed a big yawn).
The two dogs say “bark, bark, bark.” They’re hanging out the window but beside that nothing much is going on. There is no romantic link between the two of them! You don’t see a romantic link between them? There’s no link between them! They are dogs not people!
Those two dogs are watching each other. I don’t know who they are. The dogs are meeting up together. The two dogs are in a car but I don’t know how low or high they are. They are meeting together. The two women look happy. They look happy to me.
(Someone pointed to the cars and the dogs).(Someone else laughed and said hi). They’re going to the dog park. They are happy because they have fallen in love with each other. They small dog says “I like you but you’re just a big stud and I’m just a little lady.”
Both of them are in their family vehicles. They’re wanting to want each other. This takes place outside a park. They’re sitting at a stop light. It looks overcast and they could be heading home. They are in separate cars and probably sitting in the back seat considering their size.
They’re not going to pay any attention to the stop light when it turns green. They’re talking back and forth to each other and probably going to the dog park. When the light turns green the dogs are going to be jumping back and forth from the front to the back seat like dogs do.
The male dog, Stud, says, “Hey Baby, I know your master has you on a tight leash but maybe we can meet behind the building later. Jane (female dog) says, “I don’t know if I can but I do find you quite handsome.” Stud says, “But you’re much more beautiful than I am handsome.”
When the light turns green they go home and have the run of the house.
Created by male storytellers at a VA dementia care community. 25 July, 2016
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