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Dogs Talkin’ Ice Cream – Good Friends
This is Big Puppy and Little Puppy
The big one is Ben and the little one is Jerry - just like the ice cream.
They are thinking about a new flavor of ice cream…that’s a good idea!
They are meeting privately to come up with the new name so nobody can steal it before they release it.
They are thinking, “I hope the light stays red for a while longer.”
“Should we use peanuts or chocolate chips?” Jerry says, ”the chocolate.”
Ben says‚”Hey Jerry, speak up, I can barely hear you.”
Well, it makes me want to eat some food. I think I did my food. I was in a hurry for that.
Isn’t there always ice cream in the freezer? Not today.
They want to play with other people, a few people, not a lot - a sort of secret, and that is pretty tricky. They get going and move on out. Slower than usual.
Also what are we gonna call it? Before the light changes we have to make a decision!
I got it: “Chocolate Moose!”
They start out with a little party for foods with everything outside and they try it out first before they go any bigger. That is what puppies say.
Some, of them are getting a little chilly from being cold outside. One of them has a scarf on to keep him warm. So, he stays warmer since he stays out of the ice‚ and delicious from trying something new! Maybe by next week, we will be working on it. It Is good to have food around all the time.
The last remark they make: ”See ya at the next red light!”
The older one is a lot smarter. Some have a hop, some have a jump, some do something else, they can make a little song: how-are-you-doing-kitty-cat-you-look-so-fat [participant sings]
Not only fat, they also could be blown away on a day like this, as long as they are two friends together they are always going to have a banana. When is the last time they had a banana?
The big one is laughing.
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