Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Family Story
They’re making some dinner. In their house they are making some kind of dinner for their children. How do I know what they are doing? I can’t make this kind of story. Those who have knowledge do that. They’re making dahl, some kind of dinner. They go to work and come home, make dinner, eat dinner, they’re happy. It’s night-time and they go to sleep. In the morning they get up and go to work again. It’s their job, he’s a farmerman or something like that, everyone is the same. Everyone goes to work there, those who stay at home they work too, they make dinner, take children to school, bring them home, the women who are at home. It’s easy to make this story. Here it is different, everyone goes to work, take their children to school, bring them back, some go to work, some don’t. Here it is a different story, this is India’s story. There the women didn’t go out to work, they helped to look after the children, here it is different men and women go to work. Here it is the same, women take the children to school and bring them home, go to work. It is the same. It is no different. For men, they come home and sometimes they go to the pub. For the women it is a double job. They make food for the children, take them to bed. Men help too where they have time. His ma and pa have given him a name. I can’t give a name because I don’t have that much knowledge. Those who give names are educated people, I don’t have that knowledge. You have different knowledge from being educated. He’s thinking about problems in his family, or about someone else or about his friends. That’s for him to know, it’s his problems, ‘nobody helping’. It’s his knowledge not for anyone else. He’s thinking and then making a story. It’s not for anyone else, it’s his story, he’s thinking what should be here or there, no one else can say about that. Or if it is someone from the same line as him they can say to him do it like this or that. Like if you’re a teacher another teacher can talk with you, others don’t have that knowledge. If you’re working in one business, you have knowledge of that, you don’t have knowledge of other work. It’s a different thing. Like teachers know they are going to teach something, someone else doesn’t know what they are going to do. We know we live at home, we have our family and that they’re going to eat this or we’re going to make this. Finish. Someone else knows about their own family, about what they are going to make, it’s their choice. For everyone it’s their choice. You can’t choose for someone else. When you have problems in a family it’s up to them to sort them, someone else can’t do that. You can ask someone else’s opinion, you can say what seems right, you can help when you’re in the family or a friend, nobody else can. Your own family can help, someone else doesn’t know what your problems are. If it is someone else from a different family you can’t give a view, you can get fights - ‘who are you to tell our family what to do’. This is everyone’s story. Indian or white people. You need to go carefully in families. Sometimes when people get cross, you need to remain cold, when both get warm you can get fights between families, home goes bad. Everybody is the same. When there are problems in families, you need to sort these out yourselves otherwise some people will say one thing and someone else will say something else. It’s their business. That’s it. It’s a family story. In your own family remain happy. That’s it.
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