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Stories from Around the World
Farm Days
Farm Days - (We used a different photo)
The little grand kids David, 7, and Mary Jane, 6 are brother and sister. “You can have it!” he yells. They're getting their toes wet! David is pumping the water out and Mary Jane has her legs crossed, washing her foot in the water. She has both pant legs rolled up of course. I bet that water is cold! A creek flows right by where the pump is. There is a tree with a rope and tire swing for them to play on. On the same tree, there is a special paint on the tree to keep the bugs away. There is fruit on the trees, probably apples on the tree. There is a hen with her chicks in the back. You can see the cattle in the back. “Watch where you step! You don't want pie on your foot. That's why we grew up in a cheese factory, more better”. The dog is keeping everything under control, he knows where everything is and everything that is going on.
The rope is in the hay-mound and the 2 tine fork with a clamp helps to move the hay to the hay mound. The horse is in the barn and pulls on the rope, raising the hay. “I'd drive the horses all day”.
Right now dad is waiting for the next load, his arms are down, he is resting. He looks young and hungry. Behind the silo the sky looks like a storm may be coming, dark clouds, better go home.
While Dad is working the kids are just having fun in the water, the geese are near by are waiting their turn to get the water, other geese are scattered around. You hear laughter, cows bellowing, geese honking and the usual farm/barn smells. Mary Jane looks happy, David looks happy too.
Mom is making supper, “They always have to do that stuff”. Pa is unloading the hay and by then it's supper time! They all run in! Mom has it ready! They're eating one of the geese and also having corn and mashed potatoes or fried potatoes to go with it. Mom and Dad milk the cows after supper, there's quite a few and it will take at least an hour for about 20 cows, maybe longer if there are more. “As kids we milked them all by hand. You gotta watch out too, someone might squirt you with the milk”. David and Mary Jane use a pail and feed the 7 calves. They are tired after all that. Time for bed. Time slips by. “That's it”.
This story was created on 9/21/17 by
Alvina, Dorothy, Darlene, Elvera, Janet, Joan, Judy, Mildred, Millie
at Mulder Health Care Facility
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