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Stories from Around the World
Fil Festa ta San Gorg / At St. George’s Feast
By the Storytellers at St. Vincent De Paul
Gian Gian or Gawdenz
Piano Accordion
He's in some garden
in the Square
He's playing at a wedding
He closes it and places it on the chair
He goes to have a coffee in the shop
And then when it's time, he'll go and play it.
He plays it at the Feast.
He's playing in the Square
at the feast of St. George
'Viva George'
At Hal Ghaxaq, their patron saint is- Santa Maria
Tal Grazzja in Haz-Zabbar
Music makes him proud - the violin
Even the hat he has on his head
makes him proud.
Yes he a family
A wife and kids, two
He went to play for them, to make money.
He plays the organ, and the accordion
The robin is listening to him play
The Band of Indri
No not Indri's
that's of St. George - it's for everyone
There are people and children.
He rests for a while on his bed.
When he stops, he will go and eat.
He went for a beer.
Cos in order to rest, we go into a house and
they give us a drink, or a beer.
Most days I stop in a shop - like the ones
in the Festa
We stop near The Vitorja
It's an excellent story
'Come here and we will do some Ghana
(Folk singing), me and you, together ,
you will play... and that's how we while
away the time'
And the drawer is without a chest...
(In Maltese
Gian Gian jew Gawdenz
Piano Accordion
Qieghed f'xi gnien
Go Pjazza
Fit-tieg qed idoqq
Jaghlqu u jqieghdu fuq is-siggu
Imur jiehu kafe fil-hanut
Imbghad meta jsir il-hin imur idoqqu.
Idoqqu ghal festa.
Qieghed idoqq il-Pjazza
fil-festa Ta San Gorg
'Viva Giorgju'
Hal Ghaxaq ghandhom lil-Santa Marija
Tal Grazzja, Haz-Zabbar
Jaghmlu kburi il-muzika, il-vjolin
Anke il-kapell li ghandu f'rasu
jaghmlu kburi ...
Iva ghandu familja
Ghandu l-mara u tfal, tnejn.
Mar idoqq ghalihom, ghal flus.
Idoqq l-orgni, u l-accordion
Il-pitiross qed jisimghu jdoqq
Il-Banda ta' Indri
Le mhux ta' Indri
dik ta' San Gorg - ta Kulhadd
Hemm in-nies u t-tfal.
Jistrieh naqra fuq is-sodda.
Meta jieqaf, sejjer jiekol.
Mar jiehu flixkun birra
Ghax biex nistriehu naqra, nidhlu f'xi dar
u jtuna drink, jew flixkun birra.
Il-bicca l-kbira nieqaf f'xi hanut - bhal tal-festa
Nieqfu hdejn tal Vitorja
Storja eccellenti -
'Ejja l'hawn ha nghannu ghanja
'Jien u int, it-tnejn flimkien
int idoqq .... u hekk nghaddu sigha zmien'
U l-kexxun minghajr gradenzi
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