Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
First Flight
Is this one of the Wright sisters?
Yes, this is Sis Wright, the third person to ride in an airplane. The first two were the Wright Brothers. Sis is a female, but I bet she went further – Pittsburgh to Philadelphia.
Sis is outgoing, adventurous, daring, courageous, downright half-witted, and has big dreams of trying to be the first woman in an airplane. “Anything my brothers can do; I can do better!” she says.
Her steering is adventurous with her steering wheel, engine, motor and leg protection. No ladies wore high boots at that time.
Next, she is going to take off. As she takes flight, Sis can hear the loud motors, sounds of the frame, wind, and cheers from the ground.
I wonder if she’s having second guesses, like when you are going up on a roller coaster and you ask yourself, “Should I be doing this?”
Too late! There’s a first time for everything. Too late to skate! No chickening out now!
Rather, sit back and enjoy! Enjoy the view from the height, the cool wind, and how little everything looks when you are up that high.
“Too late to skate,” Sis says to herself again.
Sis is both happy yet very cognizant of what could happen. She could wreck. She has no parachute on. The motor could fail. There might be no air lift that allows her to gain altitude. Or, she could run out of fuel.
It’s hard to do this! But she’s in competition with her brothers. You know how women are.
“Dear Lord, can I turn back?” she thinks. We all have that apprehension when we do a first of anything, even a first kiss.
Sis was born into this situation – the Wright family. They believe in equal W-R-I-G-H-T-S! Her brothers coaxed and encouraged her into it. “We’ll help you” they said, just like holding the handlebar on her bike while she learned to pedal. That’s the way we should be in life: Yes, I will help you.
Her family is supportive of what she does and wants to do. Sis played with her brothers. She is a tomboy. They played softball, basketball and went swimming.
She and her brothers built the whole plane. The parts of the plane came from the farm equipment. They looked in the encyclopedia for instructions and ideas. Plus, before they made their plane, there were gliders without motors. They researched and guessed when it was ready.
Then, they tested it.
The Wright family towed the plane to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. There, the winds blow in from the ocean to help gain lift.
To prepare for the flight that morning, Sis went back to sleep to get a little extra rest. Then, she puts on protective clothing and really checks over everything. Her cursory check includes a walkaround. She makes sure the gas tank has something in it. Her brothers check the engine to help her out. The tires didn’t go flat as a pancake.
Sis walks up the ramp and sits in her seat. She performs a pre-flight check, then looks out on the ground. There are her brothers, parents, sisters, men that manufacture in the area, and the press.
Time to take off! It’s a wonderful success. Up, up and away!
Story written with 8 participants.
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