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Stories from Around the World
Fleurette & Chippy Come to Town
Looks like a lot of fun. She has a very perky face. They are in Africa, in an airplane, painted like a giraffe, on a trip. She has a little pet monkey. They are going for a plane ride. They are in the air and they are on a Safari looking for the animals below the plane.
The monkey is definitely a pet but they’re wondering what other animal are below. The monkey is very attached to the woman. She found that woman on a previous Safari trip to Africa. She’s French because of her beret. She might be taking the monkey to unite with its family.
It’s a nice picture. I like it. It smells like the desert below, a dry heat smell. I hear the sounds of animals in the jungle. I think someone’s taking their picture. The plane has stopped so I don’t hear the plane anymore. Here’s the proof positive. I think she is rich and independently wealthy.
She is like Amelia Earhart. She is a female pilot. This takes place in 1945 just after the war. This is a solo flight, with her pet monkey, in celebration of war’s end. She’s feeling joyous that the fighting has stopped. During the war she was a reconnaissance pilot. She would fly near enemy territory. Now that it is peace time she has a better job of flying people on Safari trips. She is feeling happy and looking at someone she likes. It is her husband or father not sure which but a man in safari clothes taking their picture.
Fleurette and Chippy are going to get out of the plane and greet the people, whoever they are. The whole village is there. Fleurette appears to be a pacifist and deeply spiritual. She is on a flight to India in honor of Mahatma Gandhi. She is headed for the Indian town where Gandhi conducted the peace march to the salt flats, in 1930, in opposition to British rule and their tax on salt.
Created by female storytellers at Seaport Landing (facilitator, volunteer, staff). 4 August, 2016.
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