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Stories from Around the World
Go Swimming
Their names are Jim and Able. She's Able because she's very "able." Jim desires Able very much and he tells her that "you will be mine for a long, long time. They are sitting in the boat and swimming. Able wants to show off her muscles and beat up Ed.
They are on the Nile. It's a u boat or a canoe. She's in one and he's in the u boat. He's teasing her. He wants to know what she's doing in that boat. He wants to know if she's going to swim.He's showing her how to tip the canoe back upright in case she falls over.
It's a nice sunny day. They hear the river going back and forth across the boat. They hear birds chirping in the air. Jim asks Able if her hands are cool. She wants a sun tan.
Able and jim met each other on the boat yesterday. Yes,they did! Next they will go fly fishing and skiing. They are hoping for $1 million and to get married and have 3 kids. They're hungry and need to go to the grocery store.
They will come over and see Emil and be his company. Pat would like to meet them too.
They get married.
By Ed, Pat, Emil, Jackie, Daniel, Karl, Donna, Julio, Harold, Barbara, and Jeanine
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