Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Grandma’s Birthday!
There’s too much food for daytime! They may be making food for lunch.
Isabel thinks there isn’t too much food! Some boys may pop in, and they’re always hungry. There’s a beautiful little blonde-haired girl watching in the background.
There are lots of beautiful cakes. They must have a lot of people there. It’s probably a special occasion. There are lots of people in the background. They could be having a party to celebrate Isobel! She wouldn’t throw anything out.
There would be drinks and tea. Crissie thinks tea goes well with cakes! There are two young children there. They are beautiful. One child is eating ice cream. The other child is upset because he has none! His mother might have said “no”.
There are people there, and music is playing. People sing: “Happy Birthday to You”!
There may not be grog at this party, but we don’t have to talk about grog or comment on people who drink. There will be lots to talk about. The “littlies” need to be taken care of and entertained because they’re important. It keeps them quiet. They’re just sitting there eating and happy.
People are coming to share the cakes. Everyone is very happy. They are Italian and they might have some tasty spaghetti afterwards. They love to celebrate.
It could be an engagement because there are so many people there. It could be a birthday party for the grandmother.
The weather is nice. The sun isn’t burning and there’s no wind, just the sound of music. Everyone is partaking of the food and enjoying the party. They would have to well and truly look after the children, as there are many grownups there.
Isobel tells us a lovely story of when her parents entertained. Wherever her mother would be, there would be her husband … right beside her! Always together!
This story was created by Bill, Isabel, Maria B., Ellen, Peggy, Pam, Tony, Roberta, George, Maria G., Crissie and John at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 30 May 2016.
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