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Growing Older Can be Fun! Be What you Make it!
They eat well! He's going to grab hold of his pants and it reminds me of my grandpa. He used to do that all the time. He didn't like to wear a belt! Does that look like me? Laughing! Grandma. I think with all that gunkie on her apron. She'll probably smear some gunkie. It's gotta go!
Cooking, well look at grandpa. He's pulling his pants up and thats why she's laughing! He's been called alot of things. Grandpa's ok and she's rattled. "Pull your pants up!" Grandma says. You need to go to grandma about it.
In the barnyard, Montana. How'd you know? I just guessed, 65, 70, something like that. She's very happy. Just to make her laugh. Maybe we shouldn't discuss that, what they do all day! No, they get after each other. No, they are a happy couple. They've been married a long time, 50 years. Yes! How many? I don't know. Enough to drive you crazy. They don't look crazy. They look like they are having a good time.
They go out and get the milk. The milk is in the barnyard. I don't know about all those old people who go out and get their milk in the barnyard. How did we decide if they were old people or not? We have a picture that shows us how old they are! No, they are having a good time. You don't have to be laughing to be crazy!
They are glad they are alive! When your standing up laughing like that, your happy. She went to grandma's house and they laughed all the time. You'll hear it run together. I think they were like my grandma and grandpa, and they made us laugh until we cried.
Nancy T, Loree, Howard, Terry, Gail, Mary, Gene, Susan W., Susan R., Nancy D., & Donna
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