Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Happy—Flying in the Air!
They’re playing football. They’re throwing a football. She’s called Maria—very flowery—and she stands out the front. She’s not on the ground. She’s standing up to throw the ball.
Nick wishes he was there helping her, any help! Normally they go to that one place.
It looks as though it’s fine and she has a summer frock on. The weather is pleasant. It’s taking place in the backyard. She’s going to catch a plate, not a ball. She got it in her hand. She’s laughing. You can hear the wind. She seems to be pretty good at doing it. She would be feeling very good—that’s right!
Afterwards she has a shower because she was very hot. She’s happy. There were people around but now they’ve gone. She’s been married. She has a family, mother, father, friends, and if Nick were there he’d take her by the hand to go dancing. It looks beautiful. When they get together, it’s out of this world!
After this picture, she has a boyfriend. Her frock is short. She’s happy and worried. She has to get cleaned up and stop playing. She’s looking for something. She’s full of happiness—dancing on top of the mountain—very happy.
And very soon, Nick takes her by the hand and they go swimming, playing in the water. They feel fresher. She decided not to wear many clothes after this. She’s only playing after the swim. Nick took her home to her mother’s where there were beautiful things on the table.
This story was created by Val, Maria P., Helen, Doreen, Nicholas and Robert at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital on 21 July 2014.
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