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Stories from Around the World
It was a crazy day in Rio De Janero. Wilhelmina woke to a world of SNOW! It was unheard of in her young world. Mina decides to explore this blindingly white world. She grabs a sled, just begins walking, comes to the top of a hill and looks down at a quiet town. Mina is feeling lost, alone, cold and hungry. She considers turning around, heading back to her family at the gypsy camp. Mina spots two items in the snowy landscape, and then one smiling face far below in the distant town. Jerry has spotted the young girl at the top of the hill; he waves and gestures for her to come closer. She looks alone and cold, he has just made hot coffee and will offer the girl some, and fifty cents so she can buy another cup if she wants more. There is a big hotel two buildings down that sells coffee and food.
Mina heads down the hill, she passes some skis in the snow and then, a backpack. Mina forgets about the skis when she opens the backpack and sees warm clothes and packets of twenty dollar bills! Mina offers to share with Jerry, he is so kind. He says, "No, finders - keepers," Mina pulls Jerry on her sled in the snow; they play in the snow, building snow people. She shows him the skis, he doesn't know how they got there, but they take the skis into Jerry's house for safe keeping. Jerry tells Mina that she can stay in the white tent, between his little house and the big hotel. She stays for several days, then her gypsy family comes looking for her.
Mina's traveling gypsy family is very big, there is not enough room in the white tent so they stay in the hotel; when they see all of the money Mina found, her family buys the hotel, the rename it THE GYPSY HOTEL. The whole gypsy family runs and works at the hotel, it is a very prosperous venture.
Oh, and if you're still wondering about those skis, Jackie was trying to ski, discovered it is more difficult
than it looks, Jackie got tired and left the skis out in the snow. She was as surprised as everyone else in Rio De
Janero to see snow. Jackie decided that skiing is not for her.
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