Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
He’s a clever one by the look of him
By the storytellers of St. Joseph Ward, St. Vincent de Paul
He's in a bag
He longs to walk, but is too small.
He's 9 months, or a year or a year and a half.
He's next to a flower pot on the wall.
It's like an airline painting.
He's called Albert - Imagine him today - he'll be quite a dandy !
It was a lovely day in May.
He's got small toys in the suitcase - small objects that can't hurt him.
He'll grow up, he's cute, he's beautiful ..
There are sounds of little bells
There are sounds of Ha, Ha, Ha.
Why ?
Because he saw me naked.
On his head, he has a rattle, small, small, small
No he hasn't.
When he grows up he will become a footballer, or a swimmer, Teacher, or a Parish Priest !
Everything is possible, since he's small...
He comes back.
He starts crying when he's naughty
Maybe because he doesn't have a dummy.
He found it empty.
He was crying and crying.
What is on top of his head ? It looks like a top which goes round and round.
Where's the dog?
The dog is tied up and the Baby ?
You have to watch out for them when they're still young.
Tell me about it - I had 4 !
He likes biscuits
The ones that come in a box - Why not ? Those are good.
He has a tasty fruit in his hand - it could be a pear.
Or chocolate - kids like chocolate.
It's useless hiding because I know where you are.
He hopes he will have toys to play with
He hopes to have a younger woman
The first thing he bought was a bicycle.
He was beautiful this baby - he hopes to stand and walk
He's got a family - a dad
kids that age require a diligent woman
He needs attention.
The first thing she bought was a closed up bad with an opening at the top (a cradle ?)
He will get married
He will join the Police Force or join a group.
Someone closed him in that Basket.
She doesn't go out without her handbag.
Someone took that handbag and ran off with it. !
in Maltese
Qieghed go baskett
Jixtieq li jimxi imma ghadu zghir.
Ghandu 9 xhur, sena jew sena u nofs.
Qieghed hdejn Gastra tal Qasrija fuq il-hajt.
Qisha pittura ta xi ajruplan.
Jismu Albert - mur gibu issa - kemm jiddandan
Kienet gurnata sabiha f'Mejju
Ghandu toys zghar fil-bagalja - affarijiet li ma jistax iweggha bihom.
Ha jikber, xi hlew, xi gmiel ..
Hemm hsejjes ta qniepel zghar
Hemm hsejes ta 'Ha, Ha, Ha'
Ghaliex ?
Ghax ra lili bla hwejjeg !
Fuq rasu, ghandu cekcika, zghir, zghir, zghir
U le ...
La jikber ha jsir footballer, jew Ghawwiem, Teacher jew Kapillan !
Kollox jista jkun ghax ghadu zghir ...
Jigi lura.
Jibda jibki meta jkun imqarreb
Forsi m'ghandux gazaza.
Xi hadd ghalaqlu l-handbag.
Sabu vojt.
Beda jibki u jibki.
Fuq rasu dik x'inhi ? Qisha bhal skrun idur idur.
Fejn hu il-kelb ?
Il-kelb maqful u l-Baby ?
Trid tkun iktar maghhom meta jkunu zghar
Ghidli kelli 4 !
Ihobb il-Gallettini
Dawk tal-Kaxxa - Why not ? Dawk tajbin.
Ghandu frotta tabja f'idejh - xi langasa.
Xi cikkulata - it-tfal ihobbuha dik.
Ghalxejn tistahba ghax naf fejn int.
Jittama li jkollu biex jilghab
Jittama li jkollu wahda izghar minnu.
L-ewwel li xtara kienet rota
Kien sabih dan il-Baby - jixtieq li jimxi wahdu
Ghandu familja - ghandu l-papa
ta dik l-eta jrid ikollu mara bil-ghaqal
Irid attenzjoni kbira.
L-ewwel ma xtrat kienet sodda maghluqa imma fuq ghandha l-arja (cradle)
Ser jizewweg
Jidhol fil-Pulizija jew f'xi ghaqda.
Xi hadd ghalqu gol-Basket.
Minghajr handbag ma tohrodx.
Xi hadd hadu dak il-handbag u telaq bih!
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