Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
He’s Coming to Town
Santa's having coffee. There are two stones waiting in the waiting room.
He could be drinking hot tea. You never know.
He's my grandson!
It's Santa having coffee. Santa's half asleep. Santa may or may not be sober.
Before this picture was taken Santa was waiting for his coffee. Someone was sitting on his lap.
There COULD be women around. All they need is to be in Santa's corner.
Mrs. Claus is around, too. She started out at 90th and Grover and then got mad and drove south. She ended up on Vinton Street.
The elves are there, too, helping. They're hanging red socks getting ready for Christmas.
Santa's biggest problem is that he needed some pot.
Pot music is playing. No, pop music. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!"
Mrs. Claus is often annoyed with Santa. Santa wants to give gifts to the children. Some are good, and some are bad. He forgets to give gifts to Mrs. Claus.
There's a deer and a rabbit around. It's January at the North Pole. January 29th. Now he'll go on a vacation... to a place where no one can find him. He can't watch over us then!
You better watch out! You better not cry! You better not shout! I'm telling you why! Santa Claus is coming to town!"
As told by the storytellers of St. Joseph Villa in Omaha, Nebraska.
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