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Imhabba ghal Piano Accordion / Love for the Piano Accordion
June 23, 2019
By Group of Participants at Silver Hub St. Vincent de Paul - (mixed group)
He's in Hollywood, America
My uncles all played it
He's called Tom or James or Fredu tal Ganc
(they all have nicknames)
He's Maltese playing at the Argotti Gardens - and the audience is enjoying his playing.
He has 2 kids, a boy and a girl, or 2 boys
they are 10 years old.
He's teaching his children's kids the accordion.
He's content, happy and smiling because he's giving pleasure to people
That's how he makes money.
It was summer, at the Imb=narja Feast, he's playing Ghana (Maltese folk)
At Imnarja you find fruit, animals
They're clapping for him.
When he was young, he was wise
he was a clever kid, always playing
he was happy
he is proud when they clap for him.
He likes grapes - both green and black and a glass of wine.
If he's at the Imnarja Feast he eats some rabbit, or bread with tomatoes and a glass of wine.
At Qirda Valley, we had vines - we even made wine out of figs.
Those who heard him play enjoyed it
He will go home happy
will you come another time?
I will have another 12 for you !!
He wishes for world peace
Everyone wants Peace -
in Maltese :
Jixtieq il-Paci fid-dinja
il-Paċi kulħadd jixtieqha.
Qiegħed Hollywood, l-Amerika
Iz-zijiet kollħa jdoqquħ
Dan jismu Tom, jew James jew Fredu tal'Ganc
(ghax kollħa bil-laqam)
Malti qed idoqq l-Argotti, u -nies jieħdu pjaċir biħ.
Ghandu tifel u tifla, jew 2 subien -it-tfal tiegħu
ghandħom 10 snin.
It-tfal tat-tfal qed jghallimħom l-accordion.
Kuntent, ferħan u daħkan ghax qed iferraħ in-nies
Hekk jaqla l-flus.
Kien is-sajf, l-Imnarja qed idoqq l-Ghana
l-Imnarja ikun hemm frott, bhejjem
Qed iċapċpulu.
Meta kien zghir kien istruwit -
kien bravu u jħobb idoqq
kien ferrieħi.
Iħossu kburi meta jċapcpulu.
Iħobb l-għeneb - abjad u iswed u xi tazza nbid.
Jekk qiegħed l-Imnarja jiekol xi biċċa fenek, hobza biż-żejt u tazza nbid.
Wied Qirda kellna l-Għeneb - konna nagħmlu nbid tal-bajtar.
Min semghu jdoqq tahom pjaċir
Ser imur id-dar sodisfatt
tista tiġi darb oħra ?
u jkolli tnax oħra?
Jixtieq il-Paci fid-dinja
il-Paċi kulħadd jixtieqha.
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Image Credits: Creative Commons 2.0: Attribution. Credit: Pierre Stafrace