Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
In a flawless mood
Oh, a baby – once I looked like that, too!
The baby is laughing. I think he winks at us! Maybe it´s his birthday.
What a cute sweetheart, a really cute little sweetheart! What a joy!
It´s a boy and his name is Rolf Peter.
He has to go to school first!
He looks perfectly satisfied. He´s fine.
Somebody put him in there. He wants to travel – into the free world!
He is in a flawless mood.
He has a wonderful family – otherwise he wouldn´t be there at all!
He has siblings. From all my heart I wish him a nice little sister – and a lot of love!
The child is agile, otherwise he definitely would not stay in the bag!
He stands his ground and says: „They won´t get me down!”
He is kind of special – he definitely will going places! It would be nice, if he could talk already! Is he from Voehrenbach?
Who knows, what the challenges in his life will be?
Let´s see how he will mature!
But he has bright prospects.
He´ll be a Reverend.
He´ll become a manufacturer, a blacksmith or he will be working with wood – because he looks sturdy somehow. He will have his own a company sometimes.
Let´s hope he doesn´t go astray and stays healthy …
and that God the Lord will guard him when he starts his path of life.
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