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It’s a Dawg Eat Dawg World, Where Do We Go From Here?
The car stopped at the red light, two cars.
OK two dogs are looking at each other. They're saying, "Ruff, Ruff!" Hey Homie! I gotta borrow that scarf. I saw you last week but we were going in opposite directions. How is your owner?"
"Same shit, different day".
"How are you doing dog? Haven't seen you in awhile, are you alright? You're wearing a gang colored bandana, the color of the bloods. Be careful if you are not because you could be mistaken for affiliation with a gang so be careful with those colors!"
And I gotta stop saying, "hey homie!"
Pretty cute.
Hey before we leave let me have those seven digits. Phone number.
One car is going to the left, one is going to the right.
"I'm getting ready to go to the barbershop to get groomed!"
"I hope you are not going to the dog pound, and if you don't take those colors off you might end up in the dog pound anyway. Your owner may be thinking about it anyway, so be a good dog!"
I gotta tell you one thing. I met an extremely cultured french poodle down the street. A frenchie, huh? And he's secretly teaching me English. So my owner can't get away with anything because I know all about it!
See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!
It's a dog's life!
Story by Frankie, Debra, Jose from the ACCESS Community Health Center TBI G
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