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Stories from Around the World
It’s Been Awhile
Spike (on the left) and Wendy (on the right) know each other. They are communicating with their eyes. They will communicate a different way when they get to the dog park and that will be with their nose. Right now they are pleasing their masters. Teenager Don is riding with AL on the right and Judy is driving the car on the left. They are on their way to the dog park. They are taking two cars so that Don the teenager can practice driving, which makes Al very nervous.
Wendy and Spike can hear the crosswalk beeping, the engines from the cars and the birds in the trees nearby. A sign they are getting close. They signal each other with their eyes and it seems like they are saying, "It's been awhile since we've gone to the park" They both feel very protected and safe at the park. There are fences so they can't get lost or run away. They both know, and can see it in each others eyes, that they will dash out of the car and run for a hundred yards atleast.
They can almost feel the breeze in their faces when the cars start to move, and once they get to the park and dash one hundred or maybe 500 yards, thats when the new communication will take place. Instead of their eyes, they will use their nose to check the other dogs and the people out. There will be kids and even babies there.
The dogs will run so hard and sniff everything around them. When they are tired of playing frisbee or chasing a tennis ball, they will head back home. Once they are home, Wendy and Spike will enjoy a nice snack or something to eat and most likely lay down and take a nap.
When they wake of from their nap, Wendy and Spike will probably sit up and look at each other. With their eyes they will tell each other..."It's been a while since we went to the dog park".
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