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Stories from Around the World
Iz-Zmien tal Antik – Those olden days
By the storytellers at St. Joseph Ward - St. Vincent de Paul
They're from Zejtun, this lot.
They're in the shelter - that's where we were.
She was at the bottom.
That's the door of San Girgor (Church)
In Zejtun there's a chapel
and that's the middle door.
They're waiting for someone to open
They're waiting to hear a speech
they're waiting that the big door opens, the front door.
They're of the same age
Maybe they go to Cathecism together
They're wearing coats
They're meeting friends.
That's grandma, her husband and her daughter.
There's no man
I think they died - they all died.
That's Mariros (she's just married), Iz-Zuzu (my brother)
They are all my mother's cousins
They live in the fields
or else Juliet and Marinton.
It was winter in November.
They have a hectare of land
when we were young we would spend 2 days, swimming in the stream.
Now we sold it off.
She's a woman who looks like a child
The middle one is the grandma who lives in her bed - she's always in bed and never dies - my husband's mother
All 3 look like grandmothers.
The middle one is wearing a coat - she has a black lace veil.
It's a pity the door knob is so high up.
Who would reach it?
You would need someome tall or someone with a long stick.
They're hearing someone giving a sermon.
They're gossiping, gossiping about the boyfriend.
There is a sound of a donkey braying - my brothers and I used to go and tease him but we were afraid of the cow.
They dream of Giovanna.
They dream about their grandchildren
Joholmu fuq Giovanna
Joholmu fuq ulied uliedhom.
Taht ix-xelter qeghdin - ghax konna hemmhekk.
Kienet Taht.
Dak il-bieb ta San Girgor
Ghax iz-Zejtun hemm Kappella
Liebsin il-kowtijiet
Qed jiltaqaw bhala hbieb.
Mhemmx ragel..
Nahseb mietu - mietu kollha.
Kollha kugini tal-mama tieghi
Ghandhom tomna raba
meta konna zghar konna naghmlu jumejn, nghumu fis-Sienja.
Dik min ser jilhaqha ?
Xi hadd twil jew xi hadd b'xi injama twila.
Joholmu fuq Giovanna
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