Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Jake and Jackilyn’s Birthday
By the storytellers of Mt. Carmel
We see a dog, branches, a boy.
Bozo the dog is a small dog. He has long ears - he can fly!
Bozo’s master is Jake, who also goes by Jojo. He is 8-14 years old.
They are on the farm in the backyard. There’s a building in the back.
We hear chickens, cows, pigs, a lot of yapping and growling.
Jake scolded Bozo - he’s thinking of what the dog is looking at.
It must have been some animal. The dog is barking and growling at something.
A cat!
Jake is saying, “What’s going on?” He’s looking very puzzled.
There’s a ball by the dog - the dog doesn’t like the ball. It’s too hard to grab hold of. The dog has a big mouth.
There’s a light in the garden behind the dog.
Bozo likes whatever he’s doing with Jake. That’s his buddy!
Jake says, “This is boring, what can I go do? WHat’s taking so long with my lunch?”
Bozo thinks, “Why doesn’t he do something?”
Before this happened, Jake went to school. It is a Tuesday in autumn - the grass is dry and brown.
Jake likes school so he can become smart. He likes math, recess, study, gym, running around, going outside and playing.
Jake takes the bus and Bozo chases it.
After school, they go back to the farm and wait for lunch.
They played fetch.
Jake has a twin sister Jackilyn and an older brother Lucas (17) who drives the tractor.
Their mother and father work in town in the store that they raised all the vegetables for - farmer’s market.
Their grandmother and grandfather live on the farm too. They call them mémère and pépère.
They milk the cows and weed the garden. They’re tough.
Mémère got on the bicycle and rode off.
Pépère got on the horse and went for a ride into the sunset.
Jake looks surprised. Someone’s coming to visit.
His Aunt and Uncle from the next town over and the neighbors come over for Jake and Jackilyn’s birthday party.
The grandparents come back for the party, of course.
They have an animal party. They play pin the tail on the donkey - the real donkey.
The donkey says, “Ouch!” The donkey probably kicked them and bit them.
The mother put ice on all the kids’ faces. They celebrate despite being kicked. They say, “The hell with it, we deserve it!”
They have a cake with candles and ice cream.
They blow out the candles.
Bozo the dog was trying to blow out the candles. He’s going to get his ears burned.
Jake and Jackilyn get toys, roller skates, and a new puppy for Bozo to play with.
Daddy and mémère and pépère got drunk on screwdrivers and whiskey.
Bozo tried some screwdrivers and went crazy. He couldn’t handle the liquor.
They had pizza for dinner and cake and ice cream for dessert. They all went for the pizza.
Jake and Jackilyn help clean up the party so they can eat the extra pizza.
It’s the end of the day. They said au revoir.
Goodnight to all and to all a good night!
Get out of here. Be careful driving around the corner.
Jake is tired but he had a wonderful day.
He didn’t get everything he wanted, which was more pizza and a computer.
Jake had a very nice party.
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