Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Just Painted!
Date: August 26th, 2016
Names of Storytellers: Sugimoto,Yano,Hashimoto, and Yoshino (translated by Y.Hayashi)
Place: A Cafe; Amicare Hiroba, Yokohama, Japan
Their names are Sunstar and Toothpaste. Sunstar is 26 years old while Toothpaste is 20 years old. It is around 5:30 or 6 am in a morning they are either in Antarctica or North Pole, a very very cold place waiting for sunrise. They are facing the direction of the sun and praying. They are showing their buts to us. Not a good manner but they are penguins. Not so bad to show their buts. They are holding each other hands so that they do not get lost and also to watch out for sudden appearance of sharks and whales so that they would not be eaten by whales and sharks.
Happy End. They are too happy to have a happy ending. It is a very harsh place so that they are praying to find a safe place for them. They are praying for food for survival. It is crucial to eat.
There are 10 other penguins around them. They are also walking, holding each other's hands. They have flown here from Enoshima Aquarium in Japan searching for food. They could fly here as they were given wings to fly by the god of heaven. They found horse mackerel here. TV reported on them, claiming Sunstar is here. Then the sunstar corporation sold sunstar toothpaste based on the TV program. The penguins returned home in Enoshima with the profit from the sale of their toothpaste. They thought it is more fun to be in the aquarium as they are called by their names and they get big applause by their caretakers when they crack their hands well.
Sunstar became famous and the corporation made a huge profit but the penguins can not think of profit. They cooperate with each other for survival. Happy Happy. Wild animals need to think well about what they can eat among what they found in the nature. They learned how to distinguish what is edible and what is not edible. They learned it is very important. They ate seaweed and apple for desert besides horse mackerels. One of them even ate fellow penguin. It was too cold to eat but it tastes like a toothpaste.
Three camera men, TV crews from TBS broadcasting station had arrived at South Pole to shoot the penguins. The title of the program is Sunstar, A story of Penguins, the effect of the toothpaste is not related. Viewers who watched the program sent claims to the TV station, saying I feel sorry for penguins, they might have died for swimming such a long distance for TV commercial. It made me really mad at the corporation. The corporation, Sunstar might go bankrupt if they produce such TV commercial. Which is more imporatant, Penguins or Sunstar corporation? Any life is valuable no matter how small they are like ants. I want the corporation to learn life is valuable otherwise the sunstar corporation will go bankrupt someday.
After being accused, Sunstar corporation built a new aquarium with costly automatic water change system. The penguins are very happy and look at the night sky.
But when we think of the position of the penguins, we should know each of them should have their own desire. We do not understand their true feelings. It is most important for us to think of the best happiness for the penguins. If the penguins are happy, we become happy. It is important for penguins and human beings to solve problems jointly. The end.
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