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Stories from Around the World
Learning Process
This is Willie Leroy. He was born in South America. He wanted to go to school to be a lawyer. He's a jogger. Hunts to be a policeman or a doctor or a muppet. Maybe Kermit from Sesame Street. He would like to be a lieutenant in the Navy. He looks like a person who is looking for a job.
He's proud of his education. Allie says he better be proud of something before she has him out of here. He's proud to be an American. He's proud of his walking.
He's disappointed in his clothes. He's not disappointed in nothing. Maybe in his lack of bedroom slippers.
He's got a good job and looks like he's happy. He hopes fro some food and a marriage. He's looking forward to staying in America. He's looking forward to a good job and being a businessman.
If he does not get a job, he'll be going to the homeless shelter. He'll take his family to a mission. It doesn't look like he wants or needs anything. He's looking at other options.
His favorite desserts are applied pie, cake...he likes all of them. He's a candy bar man. "Ima Beans."
His favorite childhood games were basketball and baseball. He was a swimmer.
He could get a speeding ticket or get i trouble for cheating. He wouldn't get in any type of trouble. He's a good guy. Maybe he got in trouble for stealing from Sheila and not doing the right thing.
He has a secret girlfriend but how could we know.
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