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Stories from Around the World
Legs 11 …Pans people meet the boys again!
They are dancing together, can't be doing badly because the curtain has come down.
They've all got different shoes. They've had enough, then one girl says "Lets get together".
Their husbands are trying to identify them, but they can only do it blindfold and by touch. Can can music is playing, and it's loud!
The curtain is going up so it's the start of the show! Nowadays they change each time. The curtain goes up, then the husbands spot their Mrs, which one's got the best steps?
This picture reminds me of Pans People, they've got together for a chat.
They're all friends and they've worked with each other for years, they've been away from each other for a long time. They are foot loose and the old mans got to pick his Mrs out.
They've got different shoes, they could be advertising shoes! They could be wooden legs and their husbands will have to get the splinters out.
Alzheimer's Society Coventry UK 7 September 2016
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