Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Lejliet il-Festa /On the eve of the Feast
By the storytellers at St. Vincent de Paul
It happened in the City (Valletta)
my City
Strada Rjali.
In Birgu, or Hamrun.
William, Jeffrey, Birgandin
182 St. Philip Street
There's a flag
There are cars.
That's a Vauxhall !
The flag has a sash
a white or blue sash with a stripe
The sash matches the flag.
He's in uniform
white & black.
What are they doing?
Shiny shoes
I like pasta, potatoes and meat
It was a Wednesday
I think it's on a Sunday that they pass from Strada Reali to Merchants Street, and keep going on.
There are the sounds of the cars
Sounds of the Band
Sound of the Flag
The flag is white and red, white and black.
There are people chatting
He stopped and waiting to start walking.
He looks happy, he's laughing.
I have a Vauxhall.
He's angry as he couldn't take a short cut.
He's waiting for the Procession, to move.
His face is very good.
He would like to become someone - a commander (Manager/Boss)
He becomes someone important
Gets Power, Gets Thanks, Gets a Promotion
As he's part of the Band.
He's 45 or 48 years old.
He's waiting for the Band
He looks confused
Shouldn't be
As he's keen
He's waiting with the flag in his hands to continue walking ...
Grat il-Belt
il-Belt tieghi
Strada Rjali.
Il-Birgu, Il-Hamrun.
William, Jeffrey, Birgandin
182 St. Philip Street
Hemm Bandiera
Hemm il Karozzi.
Dik Vauxhall!
Il-Bandiera ghandha terha
terha bajda jew bluna bir-rig
it-terha parig il-bandiera.
Qieghed bl-uniformi
Bajda bl-iswed.
Dawn x'inhuma jaghmlu?
Iz-zarbun ileqq
Inhobb l-Ghagin, patata u laham
Kien l-Erbgha
Nahseb il-Hadd jghaddu minn Strada Reali ghal Strada Merkanti, u jibqghu jduru.
Hergin hsejjes tal-karozzi
Hsejjes Tal Banda
Hsejjes tal Bandiera
Il-Bandiera bajda u Hamra, bajda u sewda.
Hemm in-nies jitkellmu
Qieghed wieqaf jistenna biex jimxi.
Wicc ta kuntent, qieghed jidhaq.
Ghandi Vauxhall.
Irrabjat ghax ma kienx hemm minn fejn iqassar.
Qed jistenna l-Purcissjoni, biex jimxi.
Wiccu ' Very good'
Jixtieq jilhaq xi haga - xi kmandant.
Jilhaq xi haga kbira
Jiehu l-Poter, Jiehu l-Prosit, Jiehu Promozjoni
Ghax dilettant fil-banda.
Ghandu 45 jew 48 sena.
Kien qed jistenna lil tal Banda
Jidher ikkonfondut
Mhux xieraq
Ghax dilettant
Qed jistenna bil-bandiera f'idejh biex jimxu ....
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