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My first thing is it looks like he’s a farmer or a man that lives like a farmer. He has chickens so he has to take care of them. They’re not wild. It’s not easy because he’s got 50 or 60.
And this is an effort. And it’s a lot of work because a chicken’s a fragile animal. Not only do you use them for the table but the fox is also going for them. They wander off and there’s danger there. He has enough to do in their coup, and it’s a lot of bother if they wander.
So the big thing is, he’s covered the food for his family and he’s got to take care of all the chickens because he’s got one big tax bill! It’s a lot of money and he’s a small farmer.
These are people who raise chickens who are not farmers. A lot of farmers use them for everyday. He works hard with very little return. He’s not going to be a happy, happy guy – he’s not on Fifth Avenue and he only has this going for him, so the return is small. But I’m sure he’s happy because he has seven or eight kids and they have to work to care for them.
Having chickens can be a hazard. The kids have one they like more so, and then they have a pet. But after a few weeks they crap around and now the parents have the work he didn’t have to do before. It’s an obligation.
His name? You can’t use Joseph or John or Peter, those are more common names. It’s Harold.
As told by John
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