Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Loving Friends
They’re talking to each other as well as they can. There’s a contact between them. They boy is probably a person in the hospital or somewhere, and the cat is copying the boy. It saw the boy lying on his back and it is looking at the boy.
The cat’s name is Tawnette because it is like the cat that Crissie had—it is the same colour! They boy’s name is John. The cat is also a boy!
John looks like he has fallen down. Our John thinks the cat looks like a frog, but then it looks like a cat. Tawnette is lying on its back ready to play. The boy is happy and so is the cat. “It won’t be near here,” says Helen.
“I don’t think it might be happening,” says Bill. The bloke might be asleep or on his back. Bill’s not sure what it is either!
According to Maria: “A dog is the best mate for people, as it looks after them.” She thinks it could be a puppy giving kisses and hugs.
Roberta notes that Tawnette is quite fat! We all agree. Well, it is just relaxing!
Crissie’s cat belonged to the family, but preferred her lap the most.
Tawnette and John are just looking at each other. Ellen thinks the cat belongs to the boy. Tawnette is holding its paws just like the boy.
Isobel grew up with a cat and a dog, and the dog was very big. The animals weren’t allowed inside, but there was a closed-in verandah where they could stay.
Maria would like to name the cat Yagoola! Looking at the picture, it reminds Isobel of her old home, where there was a fire going in the lounge room. She and her sisters would leave the door open so the cat and dog could come into the lounge room. Her mother would say: “Who did that?” Isobel admitted with a smile that she was usually the ringleader. Her dad would sit in his chair and just chuckle.
After the boy and the cat play, they would go to sleep together. They’re looking into each other’s eyes and they love each other. Cats are very loving animals!
This story was created by Maria B., Helen S., Nick, Crissie, Eileen, George, Bill, Roberta, Pam, Ellen, Isobel, John and Peggy at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 11 January 2016.
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