Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Meet Mary Ann
Mary Ann was born in 1942 in Oklahoma. When she was a child, she wanted to grow up to be a very pretty actress, a nurse, or a teacher. She was a beautiful sweet girl. Was she a whore? She could dance.
Mary Ann is proud of her family. She feels she has an understanding of life. We are proud of both of these things too but we're prejudice when it comes to our own families.
Mary Ann has a lot of love and compassion for people. She's disappointed that she's not rich. She might also be disappointed that she didn't have a good family life. These are confusing interpretations.
Mary Ann is hoping for enlightenment and to have a good life, a husband and children. She's hoping her husband doesn't cheat.
Her favorite dessert is pie--peach, pumpkin, cherry, apple, lemon. She loves them all.
Her favorite activities as a child were to jump rope, swim, and play checkers.
Mary Ann has gotten into trouble for being honest. When mom and dad asked who broke the glass, she admitted it. She also stayed out late and was put on punishment but it was worth it. She had a ball.
The advice she got when she was young was to pay attention to mother's rules. To love and respect people and get good grades.
Mary Ann never told anyone that she wanted to be an actress or about her boyfriend.
Someday, the writing on her tombstone will say her name, the day she was born and the day she deceased. It will also say "I was creamated" and "Love God."
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