Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Mimi Is Very Clever and Special: What Else Does He Have Hidden, Anyway?
Oh for goodness sakes! Different! Very Nice!
It’s a boy. He is wearing a hat and it’s breaking his expression, so you can’t see how beautiful his face his—because boys are beautiful, after all.
He’s a little fat chap! Regardless of his figure, Isobel likes the way he wears his pants and shoes as he feeds the animals. There are a couple of fowls amongst them, with red heads.
The boy is 12 to 13 years old, and his name is Mimi. He’s a very sweet boy. He’s feeding the chooks on Maria’s father’s farm. It’s a sultana farm with beautiful trees and a lovely view.
There could be quite a few chickens there. Mimi is talking to them—chicken licken! Mimi tells the chickens: “Look, we’ve just cleaned up, get a wriggle on!”
The chickens supply fresh eggs every day. There’s a step behind Mimi where he will sit and eat a biscuit.
Mimi has a family. His sister is called Dimitra. They may use the eggs to make a beautiful cake. They use the eggs for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Maria’s father used to say “OOWAA” to encourage the chickens to lay their eggs. In the morning, Mimi feeds the chickens. He feels satisfied he’s doing his job. Those “little things” around him keep sticking around. Maybe the chickens want another feed!
After Mimi has done his job with the chickens, he goes to work in the nursery with the fruit trees. He is very happy and he says “Welcome” to everyone!
This story was created by Bill, Isabel, Maria B., Peggy, Tony, Roberta, George, Winn and Joe at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 4 July 2016.
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