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Stories from Around the World
Monkey see, monkey do.
“She’s happy to be going wherever she’s going” the viewing board agreed. "That smile couldn't be more brilliant." She looks so cute with her monkey companion. They’re going to see the Sunday Island tigers just born which are a real endangered species. They are travelling there in one of those exciting bi-planes where you feel every shake of the engine, the amazing force of the wind! Together they are looking out the side window. The monkey must think this is an odd adventure. She must be carrying her animals to an island sanctuary from where these type of monkeys come.
This pretty girl’s boyfriend is the pilot. They been discussing the incline train on tracks to carry them up the mountain like the one at “Ghost Town in the Sky”. It’s like going up Stone Mountain in Georgia, they agree.
She’s moving animals from one place to another. You can see them in the back of the plane. What a wild ride!
The girl’s name is Marilyn Aristotle and is close to 40 years old. She's sporting a cute little hat like a beanie or tam so it's probably in the Fall or early Winter.
There's a horse in the back. What fun! There's a can full of peanuts for the monkey and we think there're are chickens in the cabin also.
The monkey’s name is Henry, an inside joke amongst them. Henry is a spider monkey.
The plane has giraffe spots camouflage.
There was discussion about our girl looking like a Liza Jane and that she looks to be a different nationality, probably Italian.
They look like they need something to eat. They probably have only a bag with a dry sandwich and apple. They probably have a salad too but the monkey wants it all. A salad with boiled eggs, spinach,… and feta cheese is their favorite. Now all they can think of is a big, hot meal.
So that's how we leave our heroes of the animal world flying off into the horizon.
Ann, Betty, Lavada, Pat, Sue,
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