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My Friend the Bear, He’s Already Home
April 10, 2021
A baby bear, there's a surprise coming. It's a baby bear, I think a baby is coming. They have high wheels, there's rainbows.
The surprise could be at home. I have no idea. It looks like the baby bear is happy to see it's owner and the touch of the leg.
Two finger, it looks like a man's fingers. George, the owner of the bear. Going to play with bear. I think he likes George, the way he's looking. He's happy. Happy bear.
Move him around on his feet. He's going to jump up and down on his feet. Bouncy, bouncy in the bedroom. Yelp, yelp, yelp!
Well, I think they take care of each other, that they are friends.
They are going to have dinner. I think so. Meat, chicken and some kind of fish. In the kitchen. No, under the table. Any dog, they all try.
As friends, I think so. They like each other as friends. A friendly ending.
Storytellers: Marge, Maureen, Dorothy, Oscar, Shirley, Gail, Anita and Dee
Voice of Story: Angelina V.
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