Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Paris Rain
This takes place in Paris in the middle of the day. They’re doing some kind of shimmy. They’re putting it up there where they can get it. They look like they’re feeling cold. It looks like its winter time. I don’t know why they have their hands in the air. It might be for survival. It’s to get their woman.
They go to school together. They know each other. Those people were all in the same place, same time, caught in the rain trying to make the best of it. They’re just putting it in there. Considering that they are all getting soaking wet, they’re having a good time.
There are 11 people there and one of them is a woman. They’re at a park. A couple of them don’t have any shirts on, so it’s not winter time.
I hear cold water hitting the street and they’re trying to survive. (Someone is smiling and laughing!) They’re going to start dancing. Going straight up in the air and jump off about 10 yards and come back down! There are 8 people. No, there are 92 or 94.
I smell fresh air there. Those people look joyful. More people and more rain will come next. They’re enjoying the long awaited rain and hoping the lightning doesn’t strike.
If they put them all together there are 9 people. They’re headed to a market nearby in the park. They’ll be dancing in the rain. (Someone swings his arms in a dancing motion.) If it were me I would go home first and change. It’s not customary to walk around with wet clothes. If they have to go shopping they’ll go shopping.
He’s excited to be outside in the rain because it’s been hot all summer. They are happy to get cooled off. They’re going to go to the movies afterwards and dry off.
Hey Guys, what are you doing outside in the cold rain? Why don’t you go get your girlfriend and dry off?!
I knew it! I was waiting for the girlfriend line!
Created by male storytellers at a VA dementia care community. 8 August, 2016
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