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Stories from Around the World
“Party Time”
The photo looks like a bakery shop and the people are about to have a party, a party with neighbors and friends. Pies, cakes, casserole dishes, eggs, chicken, lays potatoes. Looks like its taking place in the fall, maybe downtown square where they all come together and meet.
It’s taking place July 4th. The little boy is smoking a cigarette and the mother is putting the cigarette out in the sand. They are wearing fancy clothes, they are gathered in the fall with Amish people, and they are relatives. A town gathering, they get along good.
The little boy is playing with the cakes; the little boy is going to get his fingers pinched. There are toys and a boat. They are having a grand good time. It looks like a bake sale. They are talking about old times and there is a lot of laughing. There are sounds of money, $795.00, fireworks, and smells of cooking bacon, maple and tree sap.
The weather is cold because of the jackets. There is a lot of cleaning and picking up after the party. They are trying to sell the baked goods that weren’t sold earlier. The food taste delicious, a big variety of foods.
They are going to get back in their wagons and head back home.
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