Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
“Party Time in the Rain”
There are people outside in the rain. And it’s foggy. There’s a cross in there somewhere...and someone in the back is doing a curtsey quite deliberately. It looks like they don't know where they are. Well, I think they’re running around getting some food. (Hot dogs for two!)
One person is taking pictures. That person is taking pictures so that he doesn’t have to do something else that he doesn’t want to do! Or, because he wants something that can only be captured with a picture.
The one in the front is rejoicing because he’s drunk. He was just released from something. He’s also singing – he’s got his mouth open. He’s singing about the new weather! It goes like this: ba, ba, ba...stormy weather...puts my heart back together...keeps raining all the time...”
The people know each other, but they might be trying to ignore each other. Maybe there’s something that their wives don’t know about...! (Ah ha!) Maybe their wives don’t know that they are drinking. (Oh!)
I hear singing, and splashing, and the sound of ocean waves. It smells like that guy should have taken a shower this morning!
They might be feeling exposed and don’t want to be seen like this. Or they might be feeling pretty good. It’s not kosher, whatever they’re thinking about doing. They won’t be happy when their picture gets out!
Next, they’ll go out for lunch. They’ll have hot dogs or hamburgers and will sit down to eat. There’s a man in the back strumming some sort of musical a banjo. He’ll get to have lunch with them, too.
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