Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Penguins Fart Too!!
The Penguins are going into the water because that’s where they live. I think its cold weather. Penguins like to swim in cold H20. This takes place out near the edge. I think most of these are getting five.
The penguins are making penguin sounds, of course. The penguins sounds are arck…arck…arck….The penguins are holding each other. There’s little stress that the penguins fly on. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen that.
The penguins are going to the H20 because they have to far and they don’t want to be seen or heard. These penguins are going to get where they are going.
These penguins are heading for the South Pole. Do you believe that? They’re going to get there by walking. That penguin’s tail is holding him straight up!
The penguins are cute. They don’t smell. I don’t believe that! James has never been around penguins. He doesn’t know how they smell. “That’s right” says James. Nick says penguins emit a terrible smell. You never want to be around a penguin. You would smell penguin smell.
They are standing at the South Pole complaining about everything. It’s too cold. They’re looking for fish. They’re going to eat those fish! Some of them will cook them and some of them will eat them raw. They’re going to eat any fish they can except the one’s longer than they are.
Hey, we got it good here and all the women like us. We’re going to go take a bath so we smell good for those women.
They need material to get it in there and they could pull it over. Their names are Frankie & Joe. When they get to the South Pole they are going to eat all the fish.
It’s going to be warmer for them at the South Pole. They are going to their population while they’re there. They’re going to have a tough night when they get to the South Pole because they have been eating fish all day. But they don’t want to smell like fish. If you have never smelt a penguin’s poop you are in for a big surprise.
How come Nick knows how penguin’s poop smells? Because that is where he stays all the time! Can Nick get back to us when he smells those penguin’s farts? Nick and the penguins go to the bathroom.
Story created by male storytellers at a VA dementia care community. 16 August, 2016.
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