Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Her name is Maggie. Maggie May. She’s 18 years old.
She’s on a motorbike. She’s selling her wares.
She’s at Lime Street station. It’s 1958, in the spring.
Maggie is looking at a motorist over her shoulder. She’s feeling miserable. The motorist could cut her up on the road.
She works in the picture house. She likes it there but she wants to go to Canada to live.
Maggie lives in Speke, or maybe Broadway.
She lives with her mum and dad and three brothers and sisters – Raymond, Angela and Brenda.
She’s going to the airport to get a flight to Canada. She has four or five friends there.
She’s going to Canada to get away from the police. She’s broken the law for selling her wares too cheaply.
Maggie can hear sirens from the police who are after her.
Her friend meets her at the airport and a plane comes and takes her away.
By Peter, Richard, Frank, Heather and Margaret
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