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Stories from Around the World
Sadie At The Beach
And Sadie’s new bathing dress cause look how happy she is to be wearing it!
So, Sadie was a lucky girl. she lived in a nice house and had nice things. But mama was very strict.
And so for her birthday at Xmas all she wanted was a new bathing dress.
So Sadie was a happy girl. She played the piano and took dancing lessons. So she was a good girl, so she thought.
All her friendswere getting new bathingdresses forthe holidays.
So Sadie was sure she would get one, too. She dreamed of a blue one with a red and white stripe.
She was not particularly patriotic, but these were her favorite colors. And she dreamed of a short dress. You can see it’s a short dress.
So Sadie put her wish list in the flower pot in the kitchen knowing that’s where mama would get it. So Sadie tried to be specially good before the holidays. She got all A’s in school and helped mama with some chores.
Oh, this is at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, the best beach in the world! She loved to go to the beach with her grandmother.
The grandmother is not there at the moment of the picture, you’ll see why.
Grandmother loved colors. But mother did not.
Grandmother thought young girls should know about being lovely young girls. But mother did not.
So Sadie loved going to the beach with grandmother. However, she had to wear her old long black bathing dress, long down to her ankles and a cap covering her lovely brown hair.
so now it is Xmas time and there is indeed a big box under the Xmas tree that has Sadie’s name on it. Her brothers were all excited and playong with their new trains. So Sadieall excited with her big bix started to open it.
Grandmother was sitting on the couch thinking it’s what Sadie wanted. And mother sat in the opposite chair.
Sadie opened. The box. She did love the pink bow and the green and red tissue paper. And then Sadiesaw it. She took the bathing dress out of the box and was speechless. The bathing dress was black and down to her ankles!
Grandmother looked at mother. Grandmother was very angry. She had expressed to mother how a young girl needed to have something bright. Grandmother said to mother “this will not do!” I will handle this sitution. Now finally grandmother was going to take over.
Poor Sadie cried in the corner. However, grandmother took her around and said “I will handle this sad situation.” Sadie left the box and went to her room.
Grandmother went to the kitchen to talk to her daughter. She didn’t want to interfere with mother’s training with Sadie but (and there’s going to be a BIG BUT here!) this called for interference.
Next week Sadie was going to the beach with her friends and sadly she was going to put on the black long bathing dress. She sighed. She knew that grandmother had tried to convince mother to let her have the short lovely bathing dress for her birthday and holidays. So, Sadie sighing, but being a brave young lady was going to wear the dress her mother had purchased for her.
She took off the pink bow, opened the box and to her surprise and happy smile there was her lovely bathing dress. (We have to have a note from Grandmother)
And a note said “Even mothers can learn new ideas”.
And that’s the end of my story.
Oh, this was 1915. Or 1918.
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