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Stories from Around the World
Sandy’s Woes
The dog is Sandy, a Jack Russell Terrier. Her owner is George, and his wife is Trisha. Sandy is in Trisha’s closet with all the shoes.
There’s quite a few members in that family – you can tell from looking at all the shoes. Or Trisha changes her shoes a lot!
Is Sandy going to chew up all the shoes? No. If it were that kind of dog, the closet wouldn’t be open for it to get in there. I don’t understand what these red things are – on the shoes and the closet… One piece is hanging low on the shoes.
I’m worried about the dog. She has a sore foot. No, the foot you can’t see is in the shoe. But it looks like one foot is bloody, and one is not. Of the two front feet, one is bigger than the other – the bloody foot is smaller.
Sandy’s foot got bloody because she was playing in the yard when she shouldn’t be. Or the neighbor’s dog chewed it. Or, she might have gotten into a trap set for another animal.
Sandy makes a soft whimpering noise, meaning, “My left foot hurts, and nobody is helping me.” Sandy is a whimpering little beastie. She shows great surprise and looks sad when caught in the closet.
George and Trisha are going to take Sandy to the vet. Basically she is a good dog. But right now the owners are angry because she scattered the shoes all around and chewed on the shoes and got blood on them. She also chewed on the scallop decorations in the closet. And they are more angry because of the high vet bills. But Sandy is a young dog, and she hasn’t had any real training.
After the vet trip, Sandy says, “Woof!”, which means, “Thank goodness I’m out of there!” And then she says, “Whew!”
--Created on 8-21-2013
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