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Stories from Around the World
Save Some of the Food for the Dog!
There's a boy sitting down on the floor over there with his dog eating a Tootsie Pop. The dog's name is Saw Head and the little boy's name is Charlie. It looks like Charlie is eating the dog's food. No, Charlie is cleaning up the peanut butter bowl and eating apple pie. No, he's eating peanut butter pie and licking the peanut butter off his fingers.
He probably has a family because he has a dog. He is a single child and there are two dogs and the second dogs name is Curry.
This takes place on Fort Lewis, Wa. It looks like he lives in a house that was built in 1970 because the house has burnt orange details. The boy's family is outside on the back porch smoking pot and he has a Coca Cola sitting next to him.
The little boy is from a farm house in the mid-west because he is wearing bib overalls. When the little boy grows up he is going to be a train engineer. He is also going to be a dog catcher. He doesn't have a lot of money by the way he is dressed. But when he grows up he is going to be a pusher and a finisher.
Why would the little boy be in trouble. He's not in trouble. But the dog is looking for a free handout. The dog wants some peanut butter.
It's not a very old dog, he's a merry old dog. The boy and the dog get along fine, there both inside and they have fruit on their hands. The boy and the dog's eyes are at the same level, looking across and that should denote something. The Coca Cola is full which is unusual and the dog's tongue is out so he is happy. He is eating corn flakes too.
He is sucking the food off his thumb and he is going to leave the bowl to the dog and give the cookies to the dog.
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