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Stories from Around the World
Singing in the Mountains
I see a beautiful girl playing the guitar. In an area where it is yellow and red filled with flowers. The beautiful girl is Oriental. She is sitting on a bench. She has a blue outfit on all the way up to her shoulders. She is playing the guitar and seems to be singing. She seems gifted. This takes place in an older place. It’s shedding its leaves right now. They could make different gifts out of leaves. A lot of people keep stuff like that.
She is in the country environment. She is a pretty good musician. Her music is Country Western. I like all kinds of music. She is a very talented lady. It takes place in October because the leaves have fallen down recently. Maybe it takes place in June or July. I want to name her Miss Beautiful and Talented. She looks very confident, dresses, nice and is having fun doing what she’s doing.
I hear Country Western songs. She is singing something like the Beatles and the Doors. She looks smart. She looks like she is helpful with people. She looks happy and helps others to feel better about themselves.
It smells like leaves. They have a different fragrance whether they are alive or dead. It’s autumn time and she feels happy soaking up the sun. She looks kind of sexy in that blue outfit. She has nice taste in clothing. The leaves are freshly fallen but you could still smell what they were. I think they are hickory leaves. I used to see a lot of hickory leaves when I was living in Idaho. The leaves can be used for decorations in our home. Could be a good selling point!
She is hearing herself. She is relaxed and taking it easy. She looks calm, peaceful and enjoys singing. She has a bright future. She may even be able to be a pro-singer or a movie star playing music from different groups like Frontiersman (1950’s) and the Beatles.
She hopes to be a musician who can play the best of the pros. She shares an enthusiasm for what she is doing. People will pick up on that. I think she is young. She probably has a boyfriend or two. I look at a bright future for her.
Her boyfriend might be there with her. He is a bright guy too if he is with her. He probably has a future in the music industry too. I see her as relaxed and a good musician.
The next image would be her forming her own rock band and playing the latest songs. Songs that were popular 20 years ago. She seems like an old folk singer. She has a bright future and will be a movie star one day.
I would like to ask her, Can I get a date with you?
If I choose one word to describe this story telling process it is...enlightening.
Story created in TimeSlips Creativity Journal by anonymous story teller (male) in VA dementia care community. 5 June 2016
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